
7 Tips to Make Outdoor & Airport Advertising More Effective

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Outdoor advertising is quickly returning to pre-pandemic levels across the US with $8.33 billion in projected ad spend in 2024.*  Airports can be busy and fast-paced locations, so here are 7 tips to help create the most effective airport advertising campaigns for your business.   

Maui Divers’ Jewelry

1. Determine your specific objective for your outdoor advertisement. 

Pick one message and one desired outcome to drive home with your outdoor ad. Your audience is going to spend 6 to 15 seconds looking at your ad – make it stick.

2. Simple and clear art direction performs best. 

Choose powerful imagery that tells a story. Create an emotional connection with travelers and display the memorable experiences your business will bring them. A stand out photograph or bright color that takes the audience to a new destination or mindset.  Pull on their heart-strings and drive emotion. 

Mauna Loa Mac Nuts

3. Use bold, clean, and easy-to-read fonts with a short message on all creative.

Using a few powerful words that drive your main point is the best strategy. Avoid white backgrounds and wordy messages. Pick bold colors that fit within your brand design guide. 

4. Use six words or less.

Six to 15 seconds is widely recognized as the time a person reads and considers your ad. Pick the most powerful words and keep it under 6 – 15 words to send the message. 

5. Branding and awareness are the primary outcomes generated from outdoor advertising.

Maintaining consistent branding helps build trust and brand familiarity with travelers. Create a consistent campaign message to drive that awareness of your product and brand across all ads. 

6. Regionalize your message to make it more personal.

Tell the audience where they are located and why that matters. Hawaii offers this option to many businesses.  Use words that show you are a local company and support your community – “Established 1985” – “Hawaii Based” – “Maui since 1975” 

7. Think about your local audience when you design your ads.

Especially here in Hawaii, locals can help you promote your business when you include them in your ads.  Word of mouth is still one of the most effective forms of advertising and generating that buzz with your local community generates better results and ROI.  

Remember to contact Hawaii Airport Advertising to discuss and think about your outdoor creative. We have helped clients with advertising creative for 8 years and have seen what has worked and what doesn’t. We offer video editing and formatting as well.  

We are looking forward to helping you create a winning campaign at any of our airports including Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island.  Contact us for a free no-cost consultation.  

* Source: emarketer.com US Out of Home Ad Spending report by Ross Benes

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7 Tips to Make Outdoor & Airport Advertising More Effective

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Airports can be busy and fast-paced locations, so here are 7 tips to help create the most effective airport advertising campaigns for your business.